Collaborative Research Project

Based on our literature review, we made children’s book to convey survival plans hurricanes and floods.

Our group’s aims and Gantt chart

Group 1’s peer review for our group assignment.

Designing the children’s book based on our literature review on survival plans for hurricanes and floods was both engaging and challenging. My role in leading the design aspect allowed me to apply our research findings creatively, translating complex information into accessible content for pre-teens.

Strengthening source use practices was essential in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the information presented. I carefully evaluated, integrated, and synthesized information from our literature review, simplifying key concepts without compromising factual integrity. This process involved thoughtful analysis and appropriate citation of sources to maintain scholarly rigor.

Engaging in collaborative and social aspects of the writing process was critical. Despite the challenges of online teamwork, I effectively communicated with team members to align design elements with our shared vision. This collaboration fostered a cohesive narrative that resonated with our target audience, blending genre analysis with multimodal composing techniques to enhance readability and engagement.

Through genre analysis, I strategically adapted our literature review findings into a format suitable for pre-teens, incorporating visual elements and interactive features to convey survival strategies effectively. This assignment not only strengthened my skills in interdisciplinary communication but also highlighted the importance of creativity and clarity in educational materials aimed at younger audiences.

Literature Review

Literature Review with Kymani and Rosalio.

First Draft of our literature review. Part distribution and finding sources.

Group 1’s peer review for our group.

Navigating the group assignment on severe weather literature review—encompassing hurricanes, floods, and droughts—presented significant challenges and learning opportunities. As a team, we negotiated writing goals by aligning our focus on various aspects such as economics, public health, agriculture, and human impact, catering to diverse audience expectations within scientific discourse.

Engaging in collaborative writing processes was crucial goal online constraints, where coordinating submissions and providing timely feedback posed logistical hardships. However, through consistent communication via group chat, we established effective strategies to synchronize efforts and enhance cohesion in our work.

By integrating diverse sources from CCNY library resources, we bolstered the depth and credibility of our literature review. Strengthening source use practices—evaluating, integrating, quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, synthesizing, analyzing, and citing sources—ensured the scholarly rigor and integrity of our findings.

Overall, this assignment strengthened my skills in collaborative writing, genre analysis, and sourcing, emphasizing adaptability in online environments. It underscored the importance of effective communication and teamwork in producing comprehensive scholarly work on complex topics like severe weather impacts.

Rhetorical Analysis

Muha’s Rhetorical Analysis for a vintage advertisement of Van Heusen

Note taking for 3 components of persuasive writing.

Peer reviews from Mohammad and Rosalio.

Analyzing the vintage Van Heusen shirt advertisement, which utilized racist imagery, was a profound exercise in developing my rhetorical sensibility. I navigated the linguistic nuances hidden in the advertisement, recognizing how language and imagery were employed to evoke specific cultural and social connotations. This process enabled me to understand the power dynamics at play and critically assess the advertisement’s persuasive strategies.

Through repetitive reading, drafting, revising, and editing, I practiced my ability to deconstruct complex rhetorical devices and their implications. This analytical approach not only deepened my comprehension of rhetorical strategies but also enhanced my capacity for self-assessment, ensuring my analysis remained focused and impactful. By formulating a clear stance, I engaged critically with the ethical dimensions of advertising practices and asserted the importance of ethical integrity in persuasive communication.

Overall, this rhetorical analysis challenged me to confront uncomfortable truths while refining my analytical skills and ethical awareness in communication.

Resume & Cover Letter

Muha’s Resume and Cover Letter for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Crafting my resume and cover letter for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory posed significant challenges because of my current status: Undergraduate international student. Despite racial hurdle, I presented extensive lab experience to highlight my qualifications effectively. Tailoring my application to align with the laboratory’s research objectives and culture required meticulous attention to detail and strategic presentation of skills and achievements.

Emphasizing relevant experience in scientific research and technical proficiency was crucial in presenting my readiness to contribute to Lawrence Livermore’s groundbreaking initiatives. I articulated a clear narrative of my career trajectory, illustrating how my background aligns with the organization’s mission and values.

Navigating the complexities of job search among my current circumstances reinforced my resilience and adaptability. I utilized this opportunity not only to demonstrate my expertise but also to convey my passion for advancing scientific knowledge and innovation. This process deepened my understanding of crafting targeted resumes and cover letters tailored to specific organizations, preparing me to pursue opportunities aligned with my career aspirations in scientific research and development.

Semester Reflection

Reflecting on my journey through this physics course, encompassing diverse writing tasks such as crafting a resume and cover letter for a dream company, conducting a rhetorical analysis, participating in a group literature review assignment, and creating a children’s book based on literature review findings, I have come to appreciate the multifaceted nature of scientific communication. From technical precision to persuasive rhetoric, each task has shaped my understanding of effective writing.

Throughout the course, I have actively engaged with the core objectives of developing my writing skills. Crafting a resume and cover letter for a dream company challenged me to tailor my writing to a professional audience, emphasizing my skills and qualifications relevant to a career in physics. This exercise trained my ability to articulate my strengths and align them with the expectations of potential employers, demonstrating my readiness to contribute to scientific research and innovation.

The rhetorical analysis assignment provided a deeper insight into the persuasive techniques employed in scientific literature and APA-style writing. Analyzing how I should construct arguments and convey complex ideas helped me understand the rhetorical strategies for effective scientific communication. This critical examination not only enriched my writing but also deepened my appreciation for the communicative power of language in presenting scientific findings persuasively.

Participating in a group literature review assignment was instrumental in refining my collaborative and research skills. Working with peers to synthesize and analyze existing scientific literature broadened my understanding of current research trends. This cooperative effort underscored the importance of teamwork in scientific inquiry and strengthened my ability to critically evaluate and integrate diverse sources to support scientific arguments.

Creating a children’s book based on our literature review findings was a creative endeavor that challenged me to communicate complex scientific concepts clearly and engagingly. Adapting technical information for a younger audience required me to simplify complex ideas without sacrificing accuracy, fostering my skills in effective science communication with diverse audiences.

My perceptions of scientific writing have evolved significantly throughout the course, shaped by the diverse writing tasks and assignments. Initially focused on technical accuracy and empirical validation, my approach has expanded to encompass the strategic use of rhetorical devices and audience engagement techniques.

Central to my development as a writer in sciences has been revising and refining my writing across various assignments. Especially, rhetorical analysis assignment has provided unique growth opportunities. As an international student, it is still hard to present my opinion on abstract components such as rhetorical meaning. Integrating my findings into a coherent analysis required synthesizing textual evidence with theoretical insights from rhetorical scholarship helped me to be a decent conveyer. This synthesis reinforced the importance of clarity and precision in conveying scientific concepts to diverse audiences.

Balancing coursework and adjusting to a new academic environment, I have adapted my writing to different genres and effectively communicated scientific ideas. As a non-native English speaker, APA citation practices consistently are areas where I aim to improve. The complexities of citing sources correctly and formatting references according to APA standards posed ongoing challenges, particularly when integrating diverse sources and ensuring accuracy in attribution.

Participating in a group assignment for a literature review in an online class presented unique challenges and learning opportunities. As an international student, articulating opinions directly and clearly in a group setting initially felt daunting. However, through active participation and seeking clarification when needed, I gradually gained confidence in contributing meaningfully to group deliberations and aligning my perspectives with those of my peers.

This reflective self-assessment comprises my journey as a developing writer, integrating diverse writing experiences and assignments. By embracing collaborative learning, genre analysis, and rigorous self-assessment, I continue to evolve as a proficient scientific communicator. Through this process, I have deepened my appreciation for the nuances of scientific writing, from technical precision to rhetorical strategy. Moving forward, I am committed to further refining my skills, particularly in sourcing, integrating, and citing evidence effectively. By continually engaging with new challenges and opportunities in scientific communication, I aim to expand my impact as a writer and researcher in physics.